Monday, January 01, 2007

Semester 2 Outlook

A new year, a new semester, a new start. Thinking about the challenges ahead of me really excites me and scares me. These are the challenges:

1. Handling 7 modules
Yes, I'm mad. This is the number of modules I have decided to take for Sem 2. On top of my 3 core modules, I plan to take 2 USP modules, 1 seminar module and 1 foreign language module. That's 7.

2. Leading RH Orientation Marketing Committee
Yes, I am the head of the so called OMC. It's rare for a year one to head a committee, especially so when I have no direct experience in doing marketing work. As the head, I am responsible for leading the committee's sponsorship-seeking, fund-raising and materials-sourcing efforts. Without this committee, there will be no money for orientation and no materials for the float. That's how important it is. I'm really grateful to the JCRC (Junior Common Room Committee) for putting faith in me to do this job. When there's challenges, there's opportunity. The prospects of boundless opportunity to learn is exciting indeed.

3. Designing solar-powered fruit dryer for Indian farmers
This is a great opportunity to make use of all the knowledge I have learnt for the past. But so far, I have absolutely no idea what's going to be the end product. I guess I have to spend a lot of time to find out.

4. Writing a script for next year's hall play
I have made good progress in brainstorming. The gist of the story is already there. But I'm still very far away from completion. It's difficult to come out with ideas, and more difficult to write into a script. I don't know what this will lead me to. I expect a tough journey ahead.

5. Hall Cultural Concert
I'm in the hall choir.

I hope I am not over-ambitious. But I'll never know. To quote a line from my favorite movie, Gattaca , "No one can tell you what you can or can't do". Yeah, not even myself.


Anonymous said...

hello set!
just as ambitious as you were before! all the best =) you never know the limits until you push it =)

SET said...

Congrats! You're the first person to visit and post comment on this blog. Yeah. I'll do my best. Good luck for your endeavors too.